Ota Estates


Ota Estates 


- To utilise the synergy between tourism and agriculture to sustainably manage and develop farming systems and create a new avenues for living in rural Japan. 


- To develop the Satoyama landscape with a focus on conservation and sustainability.    
- To produce crops which can be sold locally or profitably combined with tourism. 
- To create a new way of living and farming in the Japanese countryside. 

- Respect the natural environment.    
- Consider the impact of our actions.   
- Respect and contribute to Japan.  
- Live in harmony with the local community.

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Established March 2020. 

Ota Estates was launched with a vision to revitalise rural Japan using four key methods: 

- Rice farming and paddy conservation.
- Organic, pesticide free vegetable production. 
- Agricultural programmes.
- Farm stays and farming experiences.

June 2020 

Kitsuki City Agricultural Council approved Ota Estates as an Agricultural body with the right to own farmland. 


Company Profile 

Company Name   
Ota Estates Ltd. 

Date of establishment
12th March 2020  

Head Office
Oita Prefecture
Kitsuki City
Matamizu 529-1  

Areas of Business 
1. Agricultural production 
2. Processing and sales of agricultural products
3. Farm Stay
4. Plannig and management of agricultural experience programs and consultation
5. Regional revitalisation work

1, 000, 000 JPY

Representative Director/ President: Paul Christie 

Contact Information 
Tel : 080-6465-5086
Email : communityproject@japantravelcompany.com



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